Human Resources Positions



The Elmore County Board of Education, an equal opportunity employer, will be accepting applications through Monday, March 31, 2025, for the following position for the 2025-2026 school year:

Intend to Hire Within

Counseling and Testing Coordinator


Elmore County Board of Education


Applicant must possess proper Alabama certification or credentials meeting qualifications to obtain appropriate certification or Bachelor’s Degree or higher. Ability and willingness to obtain or hold Alabama Teacher’s Certification. 

Counseling certification required with at least three years’ experience as

a school counselor and Building Test Coordinator experience.


If you are a full-time certified employee of Elmore County Board of Education, you must submit a Transfer Request through TalentEd Records.

Posting Date:       March 17, 2025

Posting Number:  25-P-045


The Elmore County Board of Education, an equal opportunity employer, will be accepting applications through Monday, February 2, 2026, for the following positions for the 2025-2026 school year:


Intend to Hire Within


Teacher: Computer Science  - Science - Math

Elmore County Board of Education


Hold a valid Alabama professional educator certificate or alternate certificate in middle level math or science OR secondary math, science or computer science;

Teach [full-time] approved math and/or science courses in grades 6-12 with the appropriate certificate endorsements;

Hold a valid advanced certification or credential; or dependent upon teaching experience level, obtain a specialized certification or credential within either 3 or 6 years.

Certified employees of Elmore County Board of Education must submit a TEAMS application through TalentEd Records.

Posting Date:       March 6, 2025

Posting Number:  25-P-028; 25-P-029; 29-P-030



The Elmore County Board of Education, an equal opportunity employer, will be accepting applications through Tuesday, December 3, 2024, for the following positions for the 2024-2025 school year:



School Bus Mechanic – CERTIFIED (12-month, 8-hour)

Transportation Department

(5 needed)


Applicant must hold an Alabama School Bus Mechanic certification.  Applicant must hold or be eligible to obtain within six (6) months of employment an Alabama Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and Alabama School Bus Driver Certification.  Applicant must have at least 3 years of experience working with medium to heavy duty diesel or gas machinery. Applicant must possess knowledge, skills, and experience in general mechanics and automotive maintenance for both gas and diesel engines. 


Current ECBOE employees who wish to apply must submit a Transfer Request through TalentED.


Elmore County Board of Education

P. O. Box 817

Wetumpka, AL  36092

Telephone: (334) 567-1210


Posting Date:       November 20, 2024

Posting Number:  24-S-170




The Elmore County Board of Education, an equal opportunity employer, will be accepting applications through Monday, February 3, 2025, for the following position for the 2024-2025 school year:


Teacher Aides (HQ) (8-hour)

All Schools (multiple available)

This position is available to any aide who currently works for the Elmore County Board of Education in a 7-hour position who wishes to move to an 8-hour position.

Qualifications include a minimum completion of two years of study at an institution of higher education, an associate degree (or higher), or successful completion of the WorkKeys Assessment and Business Writing test.


Employees must submit a Transfer Request in TalentEd to apply to move to an 8-hour position. 


Elmore County Board of Education

P.O. Box 817

Wetumpka, AL  36092

Telephone: (334) 567-1210


Posting Date:        August 27, 2024

Posting Number:   24-S-148

Substitute Positions


The Elmore County Board of Education is partnering with Kelly Education to employ substitutes.  To begin the process, please contact Megan-Rhea Nash, our Account Manager with Kelly Education, at 334-659-2833 or email at and tell her you would like to get signed up to substitute in Elmore County.  Kelly Education offers paid orientation, a flexible work schedule, weekly pay, and more.  Substitutes with Kelly Education may also work a 40-hour workweek.  Whether you wish to sub in our classrooms, help in our lunchrooms, or work in our offices, Kelly Education can help.

**Bus Drivers: Please contact Vivian S. Crosby at 567-1200 to get signed up as a substitute bus driver.  



Volunteer Application

Link to the volunteer application is below. Please complete all parts of the application and if you are a Tier 2 volunteer you will need to pay the background check fee online. You will get an email when you have been cleared to volunteer. Thank you for your willingness to volunteer with our students!

Volunteer Application